Executive Coaching: Expert Support to Solve Your Most Challenging Leadership Problems

Has your approach just not been working?

Have you been lying awake at night wondering why you are struggling to make meaningful progress? Or sustain desired changes in your leadership approach?

Or, are you doing well, but have a nagging feeling about needing to step up to another level? Do you want expert support as you scale your business or expand your role?

You should be regularly walking into the office confident and clear that you and your organization are on the right trajectory with the right people in the right roles.

To achieve that clarity and confidence, the best leaders in the world benefit from an intensive leadership coaching approach.

We start with a rigorous evaluation that captures your key strengths, most important weaknesses, motivations and vision for your career and life and quickly move to building an an action plan together that we’ll support you in implementing.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s solving your talent problems, finally getting your organization aligned on the right priorities, or driving the change your business desperately needs.

We’ve seen it all before and can help you get there quicker and with less mis-steps along the way.

“I am a 20+ year executive who Eric has helped to transform from an effective executive to a high impact enterprise leader in our business.

He has advised, provoked and pushed me often beyond my comfort zone. This has allowed me to have confidence in making bold organizational changes, thinking strategically, and taking immediate action with a high sense of urgency.

He is proactive and highly responsive and his advice is not theoretical or canned. It is practical and highly effective and tailored to the specific situation or business environment.

My only regret is that I didn’t start working with Eric earlier in my career!”

Brian Lagarto

Top Team Effectiveness: Better Communication Leads To Real Growth

Polite conversations that lack candor and effectiveness. Silos getting in the way of collaboration. Teams struggling to come together to achieve organizational goals.

Does any of that sound familiar?

You can have the best individual talent in the industry, but it doesn’t guarantee you will have a highly effective team.

How do you solve the very complicated nature of interpersonal relations between highly driven and confident coworkers?

We can tell you it ISN’T by doing trust falls or ropes courses.

We’ll bring research-based and practical insights about what it takes to generate the right conversations as a team around the meeting room table that drive better business results and increase personal satisfaction.

We can quickly evaluate where the gaps are, what it will take to accelerate effectiveness, and help your team embed and sustain better behaviors.

You’ll watch as the formerly polite and cordial communication between team members is raised into inherently candid and outcome-focused discussions and constructive debates.

The result of this transformation? Team members will start walking away from conversations with mutual commitment to coordinated actions and tackling the right issues that move your organization forward.

What’s even better than that? Instead of sitting at your desk spending your time handling conflict between employees or connecting the dots across your team, you can elevate and focus on the work that truly moves the needle for your business.

“Even as an experienced CEO, having an objective thought partner is extremely valuable. Eric has a way of understanding me, our business and the full spectrum of stakeholders I must effectively engage to provide useful and actionable insights. He’s become a trusted advisor and valuable partner.”

Andy Silvernail
Chairman & CEO
IDEX Corporation

Get in touch with us by calling (855) 724-7148 or filling out the contact form.

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